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Understanding supplements that effect and reduce your peri/menopause symptoms starts here. I'll explain why this one is crucial to helping you start to feel better and how to step into the right supplements for your symptoms.
I don't believe in the blended menopause supplements on the market - I believe in putting into your body what it needs to start to recover from the lack of nutrients in your current lifestyle.
Deep dive into understanding supplements - I'm interviewed by Julie Ann Garrido of Yoga for Menopause about menowashing and navigating through the tricky process of finding the right supplements for your symptoms and to avoid wasting your money!
I'm Andrea a shiatsu and chinese medicine practitioner (over 15 years) but I was like you around 8 years ago - my memory had gone, I felt shattered and I thought all my symptoms were adding up to depression, but I didn't feel depressed, but I didn't feel like me. Does that make sense?
I feel very lucky that I was at an event where the menopause was one of the talks and it started ringing alarm bells, with me; then I was relieved to find out this might be the root cause of what I was feeling.
Now I'm over 50 and gone through menopause and I feel better than ever, having spent the last 7 plus years researching, testing and proving that you really can have a healthy natural menopause, and I'm here to show you how.
Start with my new free guide and for more indepth understanding plus support stepping you through making those changes just follow the link to the next guide! You can also visit my extensive self help area of get in touch with me for a chat. I'm here to help you navigate your menopause transition smoothly and reduce your symptoms naturally for better health now and for life after your menopause.
2020 Cotswold Menopause