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Understanding Your Menopause - Talk



£20  /  Get Early bird of £15 (book before 24 April)

Understanding Your menopause talk

Understanding Your Menopause - Holistic Solutions to Reduce Your Symptoms


In this engaging talk Andrea will take you through:


  • How your hormones change

  • How your symptoms are linked

  • Why Hot Flushes are the tip of the symptoms iceberg!

  • Why stress plays havoc with symptoms

  • Why menopause is worse for this generation

  • Top tips to being symptom free including nutrition, exercise, supplements and mindfulness


All in the beautiful setting of Brickhampton Court



REstore your balance with cotswold menopause

Restore Your Balance

Join me along with 2 menopause specialists as we guide you through a day of Natural wellness and holistic solutions to help you have a positive menopause experience.


Escape for the day: release stress and gain insight into how to have a truly holistic menopause experience...

Blossom cream

Instantly calm your anxiety whilst relieving hot flushes and night sweats . Blossom cream  helps you have a better nights sleep and calms you down through the day.


A powerful blend of essential oils works on your nervous system and hormones to keep you in control!

Blossom cooling cream from Cotswold Menopause

 Cool down, calm down


How the stress hormone cortisol causes more issues than oestrogen


What oestrogen dominance is and how this causes your perimenopause symptoms


How toxins are affecting you and what you can do about simply


What is the  best nutrition and where to get it from


How being a hot or cold person affects the symptoms you get


and more!

What to expect on the evening:

6pm  Arrive early for refreshments and to meet your fellow ladies.


Plenty of free parking and easy access off the Cheltenham Road opposite the airport. Brickhamptom has a tree-lined avenue leading to the entrance. There is a bar/kitchen at the venue if you'd like to make an evening of it and arrive earlier for dinner at Nineteen.


630pm  Introduction from Andrea and talk 


Loo break!


740pm Q&A with Andrea


830pm finish


This talk has a limited number of spaces to keep the evening an intimate event and allow ladies the space to ask questions and interact - Book in now!



Meet your menopause specialist speaker

Andrea Marsh reading Chinese Medicine book

Andrea hit perimenopause hard at the age of 45 and didn't know what it was all about! Crying at everything, exhausted, and couldn't look forward to anything she was just getting through the days.


Luckily though at a networking meeting she heard Lauren Chiren Women of a Certain Stage with one of her early talks about her menopause experience and by the end a lot of alarm bells were ringing!


Using her knowledge of Chinese medicine Andrea resolved her own symptoms then those of her clients. Believing this information too powerful not to share she started to hold talks locally.

Since then she has done corporate talks, online group sessions, consultations, live events including creating the recent Menopause Fayre and has been a guest on numerous radio shows and podcasts.


In  2019 she released her tried and tested menopause cooling cream Blossom. Then in  2021 she released her book Understanding Your Menopause and has continued to help women passionately ever since.


Andrea set up Cotswold Menopuase in 2019 to focus on helping women reduce their symptoms holsitically and effectively and still has her daytime clinic as a Shiatsu practitioner in Cheltenham and offers the fantastic Shiatsu for Menopause treatment.


This talk is a one off this year so make sure you book in!

Andrea at Cotswold Menopause  helps you alleviate your menopausal symptoms quickly and effectively. Using the wisdom of chinese medicine she creates a bespoke achievable plan to help you understand and resolve your symptoms naturally. This is a truly holistic way of resolving your symptoms.... To finish expand on

Cotswold Menopause at Gloucestershires Menopause Fayre

If you'd love to immerse yourself in a day of menopause serenity and hear this talk then you may like to upgrade to this...
(very limited spaces!)


Restore Your Balance: Natural Menopause Wellness Day ~ Saturday 18th May

Escape the stressors and busyness of your life into the serenity of a holistic wellness day with 3 menopause specialists guiding you through:


~ Restore with yoga from Rosieglo

~ Gain insight into menopause with holistic solutions from Cotswold Menopause

~ Revitalise with hypno-meditation from Cotswold Healing Therapies


The information in this guide is intended as guidance only and is not a replacement for you doing your own research or seeking medical advice from a doctor. 


Shipping Policy: These are  purchasable digital goods with unlimited access and ability to download from there in; there are no physical goods to be shipped.

© 2024 by Andrea Marsh, Shiatsu Bodyworks  

Registered Address/ Location:

The Reddings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK

Natural treatments for menopause symptoms

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