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Menopause in the workplace

Corporate talks and bespoke

menopause health programmes

woman at work on laptop

Start the converstation

Shocking statistics based on a sample of 4000 women in work, how are they going to make it to the retirement age of 67?


o 44% of 45-55 say: affects performance

o Insomnia – 8/10 women

o Anxiety and/ or joint pain – 7/10 women

o 70% have Brain fog

o 72% have Loss of confidence

o 84% say: no support in the workplace

o 1/3 thinking of leaving




I would love to work with you to help you get the conversation started with menopause in  your work place, and help you work towards a menopause accreditation and workplace policy. I offer talks/ presentations and information that you require to make your organisation a menopause-friendly place where it can be talked about openly and your employees supported with empathy, understanding and practical solutions.


I make it easy for you to start the conversation about the peri/menopause. Infact the perimenopause is paramount to understanding what is going on as it is this time that creates the hidden symptoms that women experience in the 5 plus years running up to their menopause. These are symptoms that cause them to lose confidence and feel more anxious at work, and therefore so important to identify,understand and support.




Here are some questions to get the conversation started within your management:


Do you have a clear procedure on how menopause is supported at work?


Is your culture one where peri/menopause is discussed openly and without prejudice?


Do you have management /HR with specific knowledge and skills to discuss?


Can you support a menopausal employee sufficiently or do you have a referral system in place?


Do you understand how symptoms affect emotions, confidence and motivation?


These are just a few of the areas which need to be fully understood and supported, and I'm very happy to work with you on this. I see many individual clients who are at their witts end because they are not getting the understanding and support they require at work, to the point they have to reduce their hours, or are disciplined, or leave; I would like to help alter this.



Making your organisation more menopause-friendly




Please email me and let me know your requirement and then we can have a chat about how to move forwards. If you are working for an organisation and would like your management to start working on this send them this url: 



"I was in a corporate environment when I started experiencing symptoms. I was a qualified shiatsu practitioner but I was still in computer software project management and I didn't have a clue that my symptoms were menopause associated, only that it felt like my job was killing me; so I left not knowing that these were symptoms fo the perimenopause and could have been resolved.


Don't let valuable employees do the same at your organisation, get understanding, get knowledge, get support. "


Andrea, founder Cotswold Menopause

John Lewis - Menopause | UK | Cotswold Menopause
TSB - Menopause in the workplace | UK | Cotswold Menopause
Gloucestershire Gateway Trust - Menopause in the workplace | UK | Cotswold Menopause
Gloucestershire Constabularly - Menopause in the workplace | UK | Cotswold Menopause
Cheltenham Wellbeing Festival  - Menopause | UK | Cotswold Menopause
Baringa Partners London - Menopause in the Workplace | UK | Cotswold Menopause
Belmont school logo
Bournside School - Menopause  in the workplace | UK | Cotswold Menopause
Cheltenham Borough Homes logo
National star college logo
Dowty propellors logo
perimenopause hub logo
Hazelwoods logo
microbz logo
Sir thomas Richs logo
wellbeing umbrella logo
infinite balance logo
yourself yoga for menopause logo
WIx banner MF_edited.jpg
Andrea Marsh giving menopause corporate talk


The information in this guide is intended as guidance only and is not a replacement for you doing your own research or seeking medical advice from a doctor. 


Shipping Policy: These are  purchasable digital goods with unlimited access and ability to download from there in; there are no physical goods to be shipped.

© 2024 by Andrea Marsh, Shiatsu Bodyworks  

Registered Address/ Location:

The Reddings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK

Natural treatments for menopause symptoms

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