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7 Natural menopause treatments that really work

Writer's picture: Andrea MarshAndrea Marsh

woman with old map

Can you really alter the course of your menopause with just 7 natural changes? Yes, you can this is what I’m going to step you through today. Sometimes you just need to see what’s right in front of you and when you see it, you'll be empowered to navigate a better way through! I didn’t start making these changes until things got really bad for me and I had to find my way through alone. I looked on the internet and back then there wasn’t any clear guidance as to what I could do to resolve my symptoms naturally. Now thankfully the world has woken up to helping women through a critical time in life but who do you trust? Is there any clear direction on what you can do naturally that doesn’t always lead back to HRT? It’s great if HRT works for you but many (including me!) are intolerant to taking them. Many can’t take HRT or don’t want to take so it’s finding a clear unbiased way through menopause with a holistic menopause therapist and this has lead me to today’s blog: 7 Natural Menopause treatments that really work.


7 Natural Menopause treatments that really work


Treatments is my word for lifestyle changes and understanding! Today is about ways in which you can alter the course of your menopause transition by making these changes and opening your mind to the possibilities. So many other blogs will say diet this way and exercise that way or be very generic in – you must get more sleep! Irritating to read and stating the obvious but you need to know where to start AND you need to be pointed in the RIGHT direction. A lot of generic advise is DETRIMENTAL to your menopause health and wellbeing. 

You can be steered towards doing anything but then the exact HOW is the issue. The main example is if you go to the GP and they suggest more exercise. This is either a body shaming opinion by the GP or the easiest way to get you out quickly – to reduce all your symptoms to the fact they think: you don’t exercise enough. Exercising the wrong way can increase the stress in your body and make your symptoms worse; use a trusted source to give you this information.

The advice you’ll get today is from my personal journey, the steps that I took; very slowly and alone; I want to help you get there faster and with a better outlook than I had for years.


Track your menopause symptoms, feelings and cycles


I really really should have done this one 10 or more years ago it would have saved me so much internal anxiety. That’s where we start – with anxiety and overwhelm; you can’t see the woods for the trees you just know that you feel crap; so, start mapping the crap!


Little steps – it’s all about little steps so grab a notepad an app or a lovely support journal and start jotting down some vitals:

  • What you ate yesterday

  • What your sleep was like

  • What aches or physical issues you have

  • Energy level

  • If taking supplements what?

  • Exercise (no judgement this is JUST mapping)

  • All of these lead to one overall daily situation; Your Mood

blueberries in bowl


Find a positive menopause community

Don’t go it alone – find a group that will help you move forward; positivity and support being key here. I have my Facebook group where you can go to ask questions and learn more with daily advice; plus quick wins, selfcare and wisdom too. There are many groups around now where you can meet face to face or online but only stay in a group that lifts one another up. Too many groups can descend into the more negative aspects and this isn’t the best place to reside. You need a tribe that pick you up and help you move forwards.


Physical therapy support through menopause

This was my saviour, shiatsu specifically as it helped release tension and emotions that had pent up. Luckily, I could talk to my shiatsu practitioner about her experiences and we learnt together. Physical therapy is important as it’s about tuning into your body and supporting what you need through touch/stretching; this then has a positive impact on how you feel. My go to is my shiatsu and for many others it will be Yoga; they both have one very important thing in common – they are eastern energetic therapies. They nurture you; they help your mind relax and your body to rejuvenate.

Both lower stress levels in your body and lowering the intensity of your symptoms.

Women tend to hold their tension in the pelvic hip area and this tension interrupts the flow of blood and energetics to the whole body. The hips are called the emotional junkyard anything you’ve not processed gets parked here. Tight muscles in this region attribute to period pains, lower back ache, sciatica, joint pains and plantar fasciitis. Tension in the gluts has a lot to answer for, so I recommend monthly shiatsu and/or weekly yoga (even short bouts daily) where you can tune into and learn to release unwanted tension.  If Yoga is taxing on your arms, then I recommend Qi Gong this is the energetic exercise branch of shiatsu; it’s a bit like Tai Chi and incredibly beneficial for mind body and spirit.


Understand the causes of stress that increase menopause symptoms

In my experience the women with the worst symptoms are the ones that say: I can handle stress. I know this because I was that woman. Women are incredible at taking onboard daily stressors in work family and life and just pushing on; never stopping. Well let me tell you this:


Your head may not be registering your stress levels but your body is!


If you have severe menopause symptoms and Hot Flushes is the tip of the iceberg of severe – you have stress in your body. Your head maybe firmly fixed on achieving and you may even be sleeping well but if you pushing on through symptoms and aiming for goalposts and deadlines no matter what your body will jeep the score and present as stronger menopause symptoms.


The other key area that triggers physical stress is exercise like HIIT and Spin which are high intensity. If you get the adrenalin rush this IS FOLLOWED by the stress hormone cortisol. If you enjoy your work out but burst into tears easily this is physical stress. If you’re always aching this is because your muscles don’t have enough nutrients to replenish. If your joints ache this is a lack of nutrients due to the stress hormone leeching any available nutrition that it can from your body. It's not about not exercising it’s about the right types of exercise. One’s that replenish you where you feel positive and happy; and sleep well.



Western style exercise  exhausts your body to calm your mind


Eastern style exercise calms your mind and rejuvenates your energy



woman recharging in yin yoga position

Understanding nutrients in menopause

Getting key vitamins and minerals from the food you eat and from plant-based supplements where necessary. If you have either sleep issues hot flushes always feeling achy brain fog or low moods, you’re missing vitamins and minerals.

Hormones in your body are made from having enough nutrients as building blocks. Rather than inputting hormones and trying to get that delicate balance right feed your body the vitamins and minerals that it needs and IT WILL make the hormones that it knows that it needs and you’ll feel more gently balanced in this way. Your moods will improve when you up your nutrients. Check out my free supplements guide to help you get started.


Good sleep reduces menopause symptoms


If you don’t now which symptoms to tackle first and sleep is an issue – start here. When sleep is good symptoms really do reduce. If you have brain fog, I’d still suggest working on sleep but if you work on your brain fog the likelihood is that you will improve your sleep too!


All your symptoms ARE CONNECTED. Just choose one and do everything you can for that symptom and if you don’t know where to start book a chat with me or check out my self-help options – The 28-day menopause programme is designed to improve your sleep reduce your symptoms and you will feel happier!

Invest in You especially in menopause

You have to decide to create the space and time for change. If you carry on as you are, you can’t expect a different outcome (the definition of madness!). If you hope that one day it just finish the answer is: maybe…

What is for sure is that your body will not work so well, that your mind will be slower and that you’ll have impairments in your health moving forwards.

Selfcare creates time. Time creates space for change.

Mindfulness is being more aware of everything that you do and the journalling can help you increase this area.

Practising Gratitude – take one thing and think why you’re so grateful for it. The secret to practisicing gratitude is that you FEEL a positive emotion when you think about what you are grateful for. It doesn’t need to be anything big; it can be in the little things. Right now, I can barely see the screen for the sun flooding in; but I feel grateful!



butterfly and Maya angelou quote


Looking forwards to life after menopause

Looking forward and embracing what is to come can be a huge mindset shift for many to achieve but it’s critical to your menopause outcome and the way you live the rest of your life. Looking back and pining for what you once were; is not healthy. Looking forwards with an open mind is key to having a brighter menopause. Think about what you do want to be and be open-minded about how you can achieve this. Keep this in mind and the answers will appear as you’ll be open to seeing them. You’re only half way through the time in your body so embrace a new you for 2nd Spring of your life!



Quick fixes v long term solutions for menopause relief

Quick wins in your life make you FEEL SO GOOD; so, embrace them! If that’s applying Blossom cream to help relieve heat or popping on magnets then do it. This isn’t the end solution this is to support you right now. Use any aids you can to help you manage how you FEEL to motivate you to regain clarity and energy; then move forwards and really kick menopause symptoms to the curb!

In creating some quick wins for yourself you set in motion a new hormonal pattern in your brain; one of hope. You may not feel instantly happy but you’ll be on the path to feeling happier… one positive step at a time.


The most powerful advice I can give you about your menopause is that your healthy transition is completely in your own hands and not your doctors. Be open-minded about how you can do this…


Next steps to reducing your menopause symptoms naturally

How about a 2-hour video that delves into all of these aspects that gives you clear practical steps and explanations on what’s going on and how to move forwards. Watch in parts and at your own leisure – this is yours to keep Watch Menopause Masterclass.


If you prefer to read and take it step by step then my book Understanding Your Menopause is right for you.

If you’re really struggling then you may like to book a chat with me to shed light on your next moves or book a consultation – your options are here.

navigate your menopause differently with cotswold menopause


Meet Andrea - Holistic Menopause Specialist

Andrea is a shiatsu and Chinese medicine practitioner who uses the principles and wisdom of Chinese medicine in a completely practical way to help you resolve your symptoms naturally and effectively. If you live locally you can book in for a wonderfully relaxing Shiatsu for Menopause, otherwise Andrea does online indepth consultations where you'll leave with an actionable plan to follow. Andrea is also passionate about doing workplace talks and recently created Gloucestershire's first Menopause Fayre.


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Beware Menopause-branded supplements

There is very little scientific backing on most of the supplements that are currently flooding the market at present - you are being sold to; you are being promised that this one pill will solve everything. I look at the ingredients and percentages of all supplements that I'm notified about or come across. Do not believe any menopause expert endorsement; I don't know who these women are.


The menopause experts that I trust don't endorse any of the products I've looked at. Some supplements will help with some symptoms; it's better if the supplement is targeted to a small set of symptoms that are linked; it's more likely to be effective.  They can be a good starting place but over time will become less effective; don't be disheartened it's likely that they don't have enough dosage in for what you now need. I have a Starter Supplement Guide that  explains what you need and why you need it i effective levels to help relieve your symptoms naturally.

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The information in this guide is intended as guidance only and is not a replacement for you doing your own research or seeking medical advice from a doctor. 

Shipping Policy: These are  purchasable digital goods with unlimited access and ability to download from there in; there are no physical goods to be shipped.

© 2024 by Andrea Marsh, Shiatsu Bodyworks  

Registered Address/ Location:

The Reddings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK

Natural treatments for menopause symptoms

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