Surviving Menopause: 7 Reasons Why You Feel So Tired
It's the biggie in Perimenopause, and a LOT of your symptoms stem from being fatigued.
Whether you get a good night sleep or not, do you still wake up feeling like you're dragging around your body weight? Do your joints grown and your muscles throb?
And are your emotions dulled, flat and lifeless? Until of course you want to burst into tears at the slightest thing?
What a list, what a misery, BUT you don't have to feel this way, you just need to know what's going on.
And here's the thing , your body is literally exhausted, a deep fatigue that doesn't go away with sleep, it is a depletion, to your very core. Your constitution is wiped out. Going through the menopause is an hormonal upheaval 10-100 time greater than being pregnant, and that was when you were younger and more vital!
It's not all bad news though, I don't want you to read this and feel it's the end, it is absolutely not! You just need to understand why this is happening, and then you can do something about it.
Here are the 7 BIGGEST Reasons why you're feeling as you are:
Reason 1. Your adrenals are stressed from the hormonal upheaval your body is going through.
With the decline of your sex hormones being produced by the ovaries, the main source will now be from your adrenals, but they're too busy pumping adrenaline and cortisol (which enables anxiety) to create the hormones that give you your feelings AND your libido. So you've wondered why you're not excited anymore, and you wonder where your love life has gone.... this is where it's gone.
Reason 2. Your nutrients are being leeched by a treacherous hormone called Cortisol.
The adrenals are now squirting adrenalin too easily, every which way you turn it happens, and this is starting to appear as anxiety, overwhelm and panic. This also releases cortisol, and way too much of it is now floating around your system looking to make trouble. It does this in 2 major ways, 1. it leeches all the nutrients you get from your food, and 2. it ties up with sugars and estrogen to make that belly fat you're now noticing. If you're not already taking a womens health multivitamin and additional magnesium, now is the time to start.
Reason 3. Your nervous system doesn't get the rest and relaxation it needs anymore.
The nervous system needs to shut down, to calm down, to replenish, and this just isn't happening, especially if you feel like you're living on your nerves - Does that sound like you?
This comes back to that naughty cortisol nicking all your nutrients, so you need to look to what you eat and what supplements you take - the healthier your diet the more nutrients are left over for your nervous system. You'll want to start taking some supplements now if you're not, they're a must to get us through these transition years. I know, been there, take the supplements :)
Reason 4. There are too many stimulants in your life
It's the usual suspects - caffeine, alcohol, sugar! Anything that raises your energy too quickly or causes blood sugar spikes will also do their part to cause more adrenal exhaustion. So many of your symptoms are linked to this. When cutting down, do it gradually, don't go cold turkey as that will only make things worse. Just be aware of what you eat and drink , keep a food journal, and start taking one of each out, and in a few weeks you'll start to notice small changes, especially to that mega energy slump you have around 3pm - you can banish that!
Reason 5. You do too much or the wrong type of exercise
This is tough, we've been conditioned all our lives to exercise more, but is the exercise you love the same exercise that is making your symptoms so much worse? If you get a high after your exercise then you've released adrenalin, and with that comes the pesky cortisol again.
Exercise is a very individual thing, and especially if you're doing it because it helps keep you sane, it's your form of mindfulness. High intensity training isn't suitable for you if you're experiencing peri/menopausal symptoms. Your body chemistry is changing, and so must your exercise. Keep impact training in short bursts, and if you have a PT ask them if they know how to manage your energy and exercise during menopause, if they don't you need to find a new one. Keeping up with the 30 somethings isn't the right type of exercise for you now, you're looking for more low resistance/intensity and to incorporate rejuvenating ones such as Yoga and Qi Gong.
Reason 6. You don't get enough Essential Fatty Acids, Proteins and Healthy Fats
How do I know this one? When I research the symptoms of lack of EFAs it's pretty much EXACTLY the same list as the perimenopause symptoms. Also if you've been led down the path of 'low fat' foods with the misguidance of the food industry for the last 40 or so years you'll be depleted in getting quality balance proteins and Healthy fats. For example, low fat yoghurt, they replace fat with sugar, which we already no isn't good for you now, but can you mindset switch back to eating full fat? I hope so.
Essential fatty acids come in the form of oily fish, nuts and seeds. If you don't eat fish twice a week then get Omega 3 fish oil instead - it'll work on everything from relieving your brain fog to working on your nervous system, to the quality of your nails and hair.
Evening Primrose and Star flower oil are another 2 that we need but we can't produce, so good to add in too.
Reason 7. Your Gut health isn't good enough
The quality of your gut bacteria isn't just a contributor to your health it is the underlying power of your health. Your immunity to colds and flu, your level of allergies, the quality of your skin, your metabolism and fat burning capabilities - all come down to your gut health.
You need 2 things - a quality/variety of probiotic and their supportive pre-biotics (fancy name for vegetables and fibre!)
Pro biotic - quality and variety is at the heart of a healthy gut. Most shop bought/ tablet probiotics are just one strain of bacteria - NOT enough! You need variety, I use this one that is 15 strains of bacteria, and I think you'll start to notice a difference in a couple of weeks. I know I did, and so do my clients. Check out this perfect probiotic Microbz here.
Managing your menopause transition successfully is about making a lot of small changes throughout your whole lifestyle - eating, sleeping, exercise, work/life balance and further supplemental nutrition.
The good news is, when you're making all these changes, not only will you feel healthier but you'll lose the anxiety and it's associated symptoms ( a hormonal/gut process and not a lot to do with your mind!) . You'll bounce out of bed in the morning, you'll notice things and feel happier, AND you'll get your MOJO back! You really will!

If you're new to my site download your free copy of 'How to have a successful natural peri/menopause' a starter guide to the 7 major symptoms and how to relieve them. Packed with useful tips and next steps.

Now available in paperback too! If you want to really understand what is going on with your health, hormones and emotions and in depth supplement advice for your symptoms. Read more and shop here.
Have you had a go and still finding you haven't resolved stubborn issues, or you have more complex health issues, then book a consultation with Andrea - Read more here.
I want you to know that you really don't have to put up with any symptoms, the stress that the change of hormones puts on your body puts your health under a magnifying glass. The symptoms you're experiencing are your body telling you things are wrong, put these health imbalances right and you will feel the relief, and I'm here to help you when you need it.
'til next time, I wish you well!
Andrea xo