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Get the downloads straight away and use the link provided on page 1 to book in your consultation. I suggest you at least get to week 3 of 28 Days before booking your consultation in!

Feel better in 28 days + Consult

  • You will receive 5 videos in this series with accompanying slides and notes, starting today with your bonus ebooks, soon followed by an email with week 1. These videos will be delivered at one week intervals to allow you to enjoy and absorb the information from each week and to put your changes into action.


    Plus bonuses and a consultation booking link.

    Refund Policy - As this is access to a digital file on purchase we are unable to offer refunds. However if you complete the whole course and make all the changes that are explained, and still feel you have made no progress please contact for a money back guarantee option. You will be asked to offer proof of purchase on supplements and evidence of journalling, dietary and exercise changes.

  • Andrea will contact you to arrange your consultation (normally within 48 Hours), this will include filling in a questionnaire beforehand.


The information in this guide is intended as guidance only and is not a replacement for you doing your own research or seeking medical advice from a doctor. 

Shipping Policy: These are  purchasable digital goods with unlimited access and ability to download from there in; there are no physical goods to be shipped.

© 2024 by Andrea Marsh, Shiatsu Bodyworks  

Registered Address/ Location:

The Reddings, Cheltenham, Gloucestershire, UK

Natural treatments for menopause symptoms

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