Understanding your Menopause
Tried and tested practical, natural solutions to alleviate your symptoms effectively!

Understanding Your Menopause is packed with easy-to-follow information, a combination of 4 years of research into tried and tested natural methods to alleviate your symptoms effectively!
Using the principles of Chinese medicine, which is incredibly powerful at explaining what is going on with your changing body I've distilled it into an easy guide for you to use and see amazing results.
Start feeling better as your symptoms dissipate in a matter of weeks if you follow the steps!
Andrea, Founder Cotswold Menopause
Is your menopause overwhelming you?
What are the best natural remedies for menopause?
Are you looking for natural alternatives to HRT?
In Understanding Your Menopause you'll cover:
Anxiety | Night Sweats | Quality Sleep | Hot Flushes | Brain Fog | Digestive Issues | Libido
Achy Joints & Muscles | Low Moods & Mood swings | Vaginal Dryness | Belly Fat | Irritability
I had been giving this information in talks but now I want to help more women, just like you, so I've turned my extensive knowledge into an easy-to-read book broken down in grouped topics.
As so many symptoms are linked, even if your symptom isn't listed above, making the suggested changes will have a positive affect on your health, energy and emotions. You will erase so many of your daily issues
Over 120 pages explaining:
Understanding your hormones and how hot and cold affects you
How to regain quality sleep
Relieve night sweats quickly
What to eat to reduce stubborn belly fat
What kind of exercise will work for you
Coping mechanisms for anxiety
What supplements are brilliant to relieve your symptoms
Practical advice on how to balance your moods
Support your positive mindset
The whole book builds to increasing your energy and decreasing your hot flushes (or you may never get them!)
Be empowered, take back control of your menopause transition
Check out the amazing stories below!
And add in 'Eating for the Perimenopause and Beyond' in a great deal!

Search 'Andrea Marsh Menopause' in your local Amazon too!

How this book helps you feel amazing again...
"After your webinar I bought your book.
What an amazing difference your approach has made to my mood, digestion, sleep, anxiety and overall well-being. Thank you!
Something remarkable has happened. After years of severe PMT today my period arrived and took me by surprise as I’ve had absolutely NO symptoms! It really is the most amazing change!
I have amedical condition and this has also improved hugely since taking the supplements. The practice nurse I see is so impressed with the improvement I’ve experienced!*
Thanks again, I have recommended your book to friends and will continue to do so."
*If you have a health/medical condition always let your GP know what supplements you are taking.
The supplements I recommend are plant-based which are readily absorbed as they are increased doses of the vegetables/food sources you would otherwise eat. Supplements from high street chains may not be as affective.
How this book helps your marriage and family...
"I'm 41 and was experiencing most perimenopause symptoms, my mental state was very poor and I was at breaking point in my life. My GP told me I was depressed and prescribed me HRT and after 2 weeks I felt 10 times worse. Then I read your book.
Your book has changed the way I feel. I haven't felt myself in a couple of years but I finally feel myself again and it's had a wonderful impact on my family life and my marriage too!
You have helped me tremendously, my husband says this is the most mentally stable he has seen me in all our 12 years together. I had no idea I could manage my menopause symptoms naturally, I thought HRT was the only solution. Keep doing what you are doing!"